University of Akron Press to Publish I’ll Take My Body To-Go by Kindall Fredricks as 2024 Akron Poetry Prize Editor’s Choice


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The University of Akron Press is excited to announce that it will publish the poetry collection I’ll Take My Body To-Go by Kindall Fredricks as the 2024 Akron Poetry Prize editor’s choice selection. The contest received a total of 603 entries in 2024.

Kindall Fredricks is a practicing registered nurse and poet who received her MFA from Sam Houston State University. Her work has appeared in Passages North, Boulevard, New Letters, Grist, North American Review, and more. She lives with her daughter, husband, and collective of furballs just outside of Houston, Texas. This is her first book of poetry.

Regarding this collection, Fredricks states, “I’ll Take My Body To-Go is a book about girls. Girls who burn at the belly like a shot tin can. Girls who feel freshly peeled, ugly, and certain they’ve been cheated of something, they’re just not sure of what yet. Girls who wing their eyeliner as fiercely as an oath. Girls who listened to Monica Lewinsky jokes exchanged as a form of comedic currency. Girls who listened to the belly laugh of coverage surrounding Britney Spears’s emotional breakdown. Girls who listened, are listening still.”

Information on the annual Akron Poetry Prize competition can be found here

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